Absolutely every company in Latvia needs a legal address. The legal address is the address registered in the Register of Enterprises where correspondence is received in the name of the company, and it is also believed that the board of this company is located at this address, documents are stored, and the company is actually managed.
Lease of legal address
Types of legal address lease
Lease of a legal address in Riga (commercial real estate, office)
Processing of incoming correspondence takes 1-2 days. Suitable for companies with any volume of incoming correspondence. It is possible to lease a workplace/office.
40 EUR / month
Official contract
Preparation of documents for the Register of Enterprises
Processing, transfer of documents
Incoming correspondence notification
Lease of a legal address in Riga (residential property)
Processing of incoming correspondence takes from 1 to 3 days. Suitable for companies with a small amount of incoming correspondence.
25 EUR / month
Official contract
Preparation of documents for the Register of Enterprises
Processing, transfer of documents
Incoming correspondence notification
To fully conduct business activities in Latvia and establish business processes, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of “substance”. Financial and government institutions always pay attention to the “substance” when they get acquainted with the profile of the company, mandatorily check availability of the office, employees and own website.
The presence of the company should not be formal. Only such a company, which is a tax resident of Latvia, which is actually present in the Latvian market, is entitled to receive VAT and open bank accounts.
Regulators, including international ones, tighten their requirements every year. Therefore, in some cases it will be simply impossible to conduct business in Latvia without an economic presence.